Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant’s wife, Sulakshana Pramod Sawant, has filed a ₹100 crore defamation suit against Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and MP Sanjay Singh. The case, filed in the Civil Judge Senior Division Court in Bicholim, accuses Singh of making defamatory statements during a press conference on December 4, where he allegedly linked her to a “Cash-for-Jobs Scam” in Goa.
The lawsuit claims that Singh’s allegations were broadcast live on various news channels and widely circulated on social media platforms, attracting significant public attention. The statements are described as baseless and without credible evidence, causing harm to Mrs. Sawant’s reputation and public image.
The lawsuit demands damages of ₹100 crore on the basis of the damages suffered on account of the defamation. Moreover, Mrs Sawant has prayed for a permanent injunction restraining Sanjay Singh and his affiliates from further publishing any defamatory material. She has also sought a public apology explaining the utter falsity of the claim made by Singh and cost of litigation incurred.
In the defamation case, Sulakshana Pramod Sawant has brought forth several statements from Singh where he has blamed her directly for corrupt practices and for taking bribes for government jobs. There were allegations against former Governor Satyapal Malik also, to whom Singh alleged that had implicated Mrs. Sawant in the scam. He further claimed audio recordings involving BJP members and an MLA substantiated his accusations.
The BJP strongly defended Sulakshana Sawant by calling the allegations politically motivated. BJP leader Giriraj Pai Vernekar stated that Singh made “derogatory remarks” without any evidence to prove it. He confirmed that the court has issued a notice and the next hearing is in January.
BJP MLA Krishna V Salkar also condemned the charges, saying that dragging the Chief Minister’s family into baseless allegations was unjust. He added that defamation case was necessary to save Mrs. Sawant’s reputation.
The controversy concerning the alleged job bribery scam has been a major issue in Goa politics, in which opposition parties have framed the BJP-led government against corruption since 2014. While the AAP leader’s claims have brought all this to the public eye, no concrete evidence has ever been presented to support all these allegations against Sulakshana Sawant. The case’s outcome should have considerable political implications within the state.
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