Rinku Singh, the star batsman of Team India, is going to get married to young Member of Parliament Priya Saroj from Machhlishahr, Jaunpur, belonging to the Samajwadi Party. Social media is flooded with the news of their engagement and wishes have been pouring in for the young couple from fans and well-wishers. Even leaders from the Samajwadi Party did not miss out on this chance and extended warm wishes to the cricketer on social media.
As a part of their preparation for marriage, Rinku Singh has recently bought a high-end house costing ₹3.5 crore in Ozone City, Aligarh. After marriage, the couple is expected to shift into this new house. This six-bedroomed house with a swimming pool has been bought just for this event. Although Rinku has two other houses, this is an especially memorable one for the couple. The “griha pravesh” ceremony to the new house was held last November with Priya Saroj’s family in attendance. Last week, Priya went to visit the property, making some tweaks to the internal design of the house.
Sources state that Priya Saroj went to Mahuakheda to watch Rinku Singh practicing at the cricket ground. The two have reportedly been in touch for over a year, and the relationship has now blossomed into a strong bond, culminating in marriage.
Their fans are now excited with the news and await more updates on the couple’s big day.
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