Rakesh Rathore sex scandal: A woman on Tuesday accused Congress MP from Sitapur, Rakesh Rathore, of rape alleging that she was exploited on false promises of marriage. The victim charged that the MP had been subjecting her to physical exploitation for the last four years and also promised her help for pushing her career in politics.
The woman has also given electronic evidence to the police. She further alleged that MP has threatened her multiple times and warned her not to speak further.
After presenting the evidence, the Sitapur police have lodged a case against MP Rakesh Rathore under BNS Sections 64, 351(3), and 127(2). The investigation is going on as the authorities confirmed that they received substantial evidence and will take it forward.
Rakesh Rathore, who had been in the news since he broke all ties with the BJP, is now a Congress MP from Sitapur. The police issued a press note that confirmed the details of the case and assured appropriate legal action was underway.
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