Chandrayaan-3 Mission

Chandrayaan-3 Mission

Chandrayaan-3 Mission: Everything You Need to Know

Discover in-depth details about the Chandrayaan-3 mission, including its objectives, launch date, and scientific experiments. Stay updated with the latest developments.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission
Chandrayaan-3 Mission


Chandrayaan-3 is the upcoming lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) after the successful Chandrayaan-2 mission. It aims to further explore the lunar surface and conduct scientific experiments to enhance our understanding of the Moon. In this article, we will throw light on the details of Chandrayaan-3 mission and highlight its significance in the field of space exploration.

Background of Chandrayaan Mission

The Chandrayaan program was initiated by ISRO with the primary objective of exploring the Moon. The first mission, Chandrayaan-1, was launched in 2008 and made significant achievements, including the discovery of water molecules on the lunar surface. Chandrayaan-2, launched in 2019, consisted of an orbiter, a lander and a rover. Although the lander experienced a hard landing, the orbiter continues to orbit the Moon and collect valuable data.

Chandrayaan-3: The next step

Chandrayaan-3 is considered the successor of the Chandrayaan-2 mission and aims to rectify the shortcomings encountered during the previous mission. It focuses on the successful soft landing on the lunar surface, demonstrating India’s capabilities in lunar exploration and technology development.

Objectives of Chandrayaan-3

The objectives of Chandrayaan-3 mission can be summarized as follows

Soft Landing: Chandrayaan-3 aims to soft land on the lunar surface, specifically targeting the South Pole region. This will allow further exploration and analysis of the area.
Rover Operations: The mission involves deploying a rover that will traverse the lunar surface, collect samples and conduct experiments to study the composition and characteristics of the Moon.
Scientific experiments: Chandrayaan-3 will carry advanced scientific instruments to conduct experiments, including studying the lunar soil, mineralogy, presence of water ice and mapping the topography of the Moon.
Technology Demonstration: The mission will demonstrate various technologies including landing capabilities, navigation systems and communication networks for future lunar missions.

Launch and Orbiter Module

The Chandrayaan-3 mission will be launched on the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), an Indian expendable launch system. The orbiter module will act as a communications and data relay platform, supporting lander and rover operations. It will continue to orbit the Moon, transmit data back to Earth and serve as a vital link between the mission and ground control.

Lander and rover module

The Lander and Rover modules are important components of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. The lander is responsible for the controlled descent and landing on the lunar surface. It will have the necessary scientific instruments and systems for conducting experiments and collecting data. The rover, once deployed, will traverse the lunar terrain, perform in-situ analysis and transmit the data obtained back to the lander.

Scientific equipment on board

Chandrayaan-3 will carry a set of scientific instruments designed to collect data and perform experiments on the Moon. Some of the tools include:

Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI): Measures the precise distance between the Earth and the Moon using a laser pulse.
Lunar Seismic Activity Monitor (LSAM): detects and studies lunar earthquakes to understand the internal structure of the Moon.
Chandrayaan-3 Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS): Analyzes X-ray emissions to determine the composition of the lunar surface.
Chandrayaan-3 Imaging Spectrometer (CIS): Captures high-resolution images of the Moon’s surface in various wavelengths.
Lunar Dust Analyzer (LDA): Analyzes the properties of lunar dust particles and their effects on the lunar environment.

Significance of Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan-3 is of utmost importance in the field of space exploration for many reasons. First, it builds on the achievements and lessons learned from previous Chandrayaan missions, demonstrating India’s commitment to advancing lunar research. Secondly, the mission aims to contribute valuable scientific data, particularly with regard to the composition of the lunar soil, the presence of water ice, and the geological history of the Moon.

Challenges and future prospects

The Chandrayaan-3 mission faces various challenges, including the complex process of soft landing, the harsh conditions of the lunar environment, and the need for precise navigation and communication. However, these challenges also present opportunities for technological advancement and innovation. With each mission, ISRO gains valuable experience and expertise, paving the way for future lunar missions and possible collaborations with international space agencies.


Chandrayaan-3 is set to continue India’s journey in lunar exploration, building on the successes of previous missions. It holds significant promise to advance scientific knowledge, develop technology and inspire future generations of space enthusiasts. Pushing the frontiers of space exploration, Chandrayaan-3 contributes to the global quest to understand the Moon and our universe.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are the differences between Chandrayaan-2 and Chandrayaan-3?
    Chandrayaan-3, a follow-up mission to Chandrayaan-2, aims to rectify problems encountered during the previous landing attempt. It focuses on achieving a successful soft landing on the lunar surface.
  2. Will Chandrayaan-3 carry a rover?
    Yes, Chandrayaan-3 will include a rover module. The rover will fly over the lunar surface, collect samples and conduct experiments.
  3. How will Chandrayaan-3 contribute to our understanding of the Moon?
    Chandrayaan-3 will collect data on lunar soil composition, study lunar earthquakes, analyze X-ray emissions and capture high-resolution images of the lunar surface. This information will enhance our understanding of the geology and evolution of the Moon.
Read more: Chandrayaan-3 Mission: Everything You Need to Know