Salman Khan Faces New Threat: Mumbai Police Traffic Control has received a new threat directed at Bollywood actor Salman Khan, allegedly from Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang. The chilling message, which was sent in Bishnoi’s name, warns Khan to either apologize at their temple or pay ₹5 crore, or face potentially fatal consequences. The message claims to be from “Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother” and states, “If Salman Khan wants to stay alive, he should go to our temple and apologize or give ₹5 crore. If he does not do this, we will kill him. Our gang is still active.”
Lawrence Bishnoi, a figure associated with several criminal cases, has made threats toward Khan in the past, allegedly driven by a long-standing grudge. Bishnoi’s gang, active across multiple states, has previously been linked to incidents involving violent threats against public figures and extortion demands.
Mumbai Police is closely monitoring the situation and has initiated increased security measures around Khan. Police are expected to question possible suspects and review any connections to past incidents involving Bishnoi’s gang. Authorities are also investigating the origin of this latest threat message to determine the authenticity and verify any specific risk level.
As the investigation unfolds, Khan’s fans and supporters remain concerned about his safety, while police have assured the public that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure security. The entertainment industry, meanwhile, awaits further updates as the story develops.
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